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Talk:List of cities and towns in Poland

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Just waiting for the fight to begin. I just hope this does not get renamed "List of formerly Prussian cities occupied by the communists." ;-) Danny

This is going to be another waste of precious time of many Wikipedians.
we, the Polish Wikipedians, do want the history of these lands be HISTORICALLY correct.
What does Helga Jonat is just ridiculous. Imagine all the Wikipedians from different countries in central Europe fighting over "nationality" of city names and cities themselves etc.

Polish pronounciation


I just bought myself a decent microphone and recorded all the Polish names in Polish (so far all the bigger cities from the table are ready). I link them to the first word in the city articles for all wikipedians to enjoy. If anyone has any request for a spelling or any comments regarding my Polish accent - just let me know. Halibutt 09:36, Jun 13, 2004 (UTC)

What happened to cities beginning with the letter "n"?


Perhaps I am insane, but was in here looking for Nowy Sacz, and noticed that no cities or towns whose names begin with the letter "N" are included on this list...

They were deleted by vandalism and never fixed or noticed [1]. Until now. I added them back in. -- Curps 01:46, 8 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union


My change to add the Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union was just reverted by user Balcar with the following justification:

"you will notice that Katowice, Gliwice etc. are already listed in the table. Now why would we want to double count them? Besides, the union is far from 100% official yet)"


  1. the Union is official because it has been recently registered in Warsaw. See the info by Polish Press Agency (http://www.money.pl/archiwum/wiadomosci_agencyjne/pap/artykul/zarejestrowano;gornoslaski;zwiazek;metropolitalny,133,0,249733.html) or the article on Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union.
  2. Inclusion of a superorganization in such Table has many precedences in Wikipedia. For example look at the European Union in the article List of countries by population.

I would request the editors to recognize the fact that USMU is the largest urban center in Poland. I would also like to point out that due to historical background, this is a sensitive issue and the removal of the change was perhaps not very well thought out. Stan J. Klimas

Thanks for the link to the article. As it makes clear, the USMU is still a work in progress.
"The formation of a non-compulsory union between communes is a first step to formalised cooperation between the 14 cities belonging to the aglomeration, which, though they will not loose their self-government, could also function together under the name "Silesia", the working name given to the union.
"Powołanie dobrowolnego związku międzygminnego to pierwszy krok do sformalizowanej współpracy 14 miast aglomeracji, które, choć nie stracą samodzielności, mogłyby funkcjonować także pod wspólnym szyldem "Silesia", jak roboczo nazwano związek."
So, let us not jump the gun here. UMSU is not yet a formal city by any stretch of the imagination. As the page is a list of cities and towns, UMCSU does not belong here, yet. Just like the Tricity does not either, to give another example. Balcer 18:34, 29 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
PS. Polish Wikipedia, presumably the best informed on the subject, does not list USMU in its corresponding article pl:Miasta w Polsce według liczby ludności. Balcer 18:40, 29 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I respectfully suggest that Polish Wikipedia is not always the authority as it sometimes tends to be biased on ethnic issues. Did you consider why the EU population is listed in the example I gave and nobody deletes it there?
The month-old Press agency brief says that after the papers has been printed in an official gazette, Silesia (USMU) is able to commence its work without formal obstacles.
"W najbliższych dniach statut związku będzie ogłoszony w Dzienniku Urzędowym Województwa Śląskiego, po czym bez przeszkód formalnych GZM będzie mógł rozpocząć działalność" - powiedział we wtorek PAP Daniel Iwan z gabinetu wojewody śląskiego"
Therefore, USMU is now a legal entity (and a de-facto single urban entity). Stan J. Klimas 19:26, 29 July 2007 (UTC)
By the way, the the paper required for USMU/Silesia to become a legal entity was published in Dziennik Urzedowy Wojewodztwa Slaskiego, Nr 108, Katowice, 2007-06-28, http://www.katowice.uw.gov.pl/urzadkatowice.php?urzad/uw_dzienniki_2007 . Hopefully, this is a sufficient justification to re-introduce Silesia to the list. Stan J. Klimas 20:09, 29 July 2007 (UTC)
Sorry, but I don't see how ethnic bias enters here at all. The fact that Polish Wikipedia does not list USMU is an important consideration.
Anyway, all USMU is at this point is an organisation allowing cities located in the same area to co-operate with each other. It is not yet a city by itself. It does not even have a definite name. Give it time.
If you want comparisons with other Wikipedia articles, look at Ruhr Area and List of cities in Germany with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Looking from Earth orbit, Ruhr (or even Rhine-Ruhr) would obviously be the largest city in Germany. Yet it is not so lited in our list of German cities. Balcer 21:28, 29 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Years of which are given numbers should be some significant in the history of Polish. It should look like this: 1918 (or possibly 1919), 1939, 1945 (or 1946), 1989, 2004. Last year should be changed after the publication of the latest data. Helmut Schmidt 20 (talk) 12:55, 21 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Please note that the recent edits which added the column with voivodeships and flags have introduced wikilinks that in some cases take the reader not to articles about the voivodeships but to cities (I mean the links to Lublin, Łódź and Opole voivodeships, which are actually links to the three cities). I'm not sure how to solve this problem, so I'm bringing this to the attention of the other editors. Pearlmaster1212 (talk) 00:15, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Good division?


Shouldn't be cities and towns classified as traditionally in UK due to the presence of the cathedral? In this case, cities in Poland would be:

  1. Białystok
  2. Bielsko-Biała
  3. Bydgoszcz
  4. Chełmża
  5. Częstochowa
  6. Drohiczyn
  7. Elbląg
  8. Ełk
  9. Frombork
  10. Gdańsk
  11. Gliwice
  12. Gniezno
  13. Gołdap
  14. Gorzów Wielkopolski
  15. Kalisz
  16. Kamień Pomorski
  17. Katowice
  18. Kielce
  19. Kołobrzeg
  20. Koszalin
  21. Kraków
  22. Kwidzyn
  23. Legnica
  24. Lubaczów
  25. Lublin
  26. Łomża
  27. Łowicz
  28. Łódź
  29. Olsztyn
  30. Opole
  31. Ostrów Wielkopolski
  32. Pelplin
  33. Płock
  34. Poznań
  35. Prabuty
  36. Przemyśl
  37. Radom
  38. Rzeszów
  39. Sandomierz
  40. Siedlce
  41. Sokołów Podlaski
  42. Sosnowiec
  43. Stalowa Wola
  44. Suwałki
  45. Szczecin
  46. Świdnica
  47. Tarnów
  48. Toruń
  49. Warszawa
  50. Włocławek
  51. Wrocław
  52. Zamość
  53. Zielona Góra
  54. Żywiec

So the smallest Polish city would be Drohiczyn (2,000 inhabitants) and the biggest Polish town would be Gdynia (250,000 inhabitants). Kamilhrub (talk) 20:14, 8 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Nope, because it leaves out several important cities like Chorzów, Zabrze, Słupsk, Zielona Góra, Gdynia etc. The only sound and acceptable division is between the municipalities electing a burmistrz (towns) and those electing a prezydent miasta (cities). Besides, the ″cathedral″ criterion was abolished in Britain years ago. Micga (talk) 14:26, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Wygląda na to, że to Twoja subiektywna opinia, bez głębszego uzasadnienia. No i może być jeszcze jedno kryterium, według miast na prawach powiatu, ale moim zdaniem równie na siłę, co Twoje prezydent/burmistrz. Z uwagi na tradycyjny brak podziału, ale też silne tradycje kościelne w Polsce, podział wg katedr wydaje mi się najodpowiedniejszy (a UK wcale tego nie zniosło, lecz do dziś stosuje z niewielkimi jedynie modyfikacjami, zauważ, że najmniejsze "city", Wells liczy 10 tys., a największy "town", Reading 250 tys., więc wartości całkiem podobne, w dodatku aż 10 miast ponad 150 tys. ma status "town", za to 16 poniżej 50 tys. status "city", oprócz tego "city" bez katedry musi mieć minimum 300 tys. mieszkańców i być centrum regionu, a podane przez Ciebie miasta tego niestety by nie spełniały). 18:46, 29 August 2022 (UTC)Kamilhrub (talk)

Disambiguation of place names


A large number of places have been to this article added in recent edits which need disambiguation because there are places with this name in more than one Vivodeship and it often unclear which is the intended link. You can identify these by going to your Preferences (drop down list top right), going to the "gadets" tab, scrolling down to "Appearance" and putting a tick next to "Display links to disambiguation pages in orange". Any help appreciated.— Rod talk 16:02, 8 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Opole missing


Opole is missing from the table. I don't have time to add it right now but figured I should mention it. TempestSounds (talk) 16:04, 30 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]